Assessment Details


New: Dyslexia Assessments and Academic Learning Assessments




I’m happy to tell you that T accepted a first-round offer for a bachelor of science degree at Deakin University. Once, again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your help and particularly the strategies you gave us in the early days. –JB



You made a huge difference to both my daughters & to our family. Our mental health has improved after seeing you and, for that, I will be forever grateful- AC



 ‘I’ve just finished my 3rd year of Medicine. Studying Medicine with dyslexia isn’t ideal, I mean it’s really hard and frustrating sometimes. However, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Seeing you was the one of the best things I ever could do to understand and help myself –MM


 Now Offering; Dyslexia Assessments or Academic Learning assessments


Adults and Children

  • Is there a family history of dyslexia, reading or spelling difficulties?
  • Does there appear to be a discrepancy between ability and reading and writing e.g. there might be a huge difference between what a person can articulate and what goes down on paper?


  • Does your child have difficulties with reading aloud?
  • Do they miss out or add in words when they are reading?
  • Do they take longer than you might expect to read a page of text?
  • Do they have difficulties putting their thoughts down on paper and take a long time to complete a written task?
  • Are they able to learn spellings for a test but forget them the next day or week?
  • Do they have difficulty with rhyme?
  • Is homework a real struggle?
  • Are they beginning to dislike going to school or attending some lessons?


  • Do you find it difficult to remember verbal instructions or retain verbal information?
  • Are there some aspects of your work that you are finding difficult no matter the effort that you make?
  • Do you take longer than you should to read a page of a book and then find it difficult to make sense of what you have read?
  • Do you have to reread questions or information more than once to internalise it?
  • At school were you called, “careless,” “lazy” or a “Daydreamer?”
  • Do you often miss spelling and punctuation errors when editing emails and/or reports?


Dyslexia Assessments

The assessments are intended for:

  • Children from 7 years upwards whose parents or school feel that they may have dyslexia.
  • Adults who suspect that they may be dyslexic or experience difficulties with reading and spelling
  • Adults who are experiencing difficulties with certain aspects of their employment and want advice and strategies to help them cope
  • Adults who want to return to further studies and need support.


Find out more about the service:



Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia

Background Information

Details of the Service and Charges



Signs and Symptoms

Background Information

Details of the Service and Charges


  • *Children from 6 years upwards who may be exhibiting learning difficulties. Criteria for making a dyslexia diagnosis states that the problems cannot be attributable to extrinsic factors such as eyesight and hearing. There has to have been at least 6 months intervention which has not worked and there also has to be a significant difference between the reading and spelling attainments of your child and their peers. The latter is very difficult to show in a child below the age of 7 years. In addition many weaknesses may be developmental. For this reason, a diagnosis of 'dyslexia' cannot be made. Having said that, it is possible to assess for weaknesses and put recommendations into place before age 7 years. The sooner remediation begins the better.



Academic Assessments in Literacy (children only)

Sometimes parents or schools do not require an assessments of specific learning disorders, They simply want an academic assessment of a child's literacy skills with recommendations for intervention. With over 30 years specialist experience in assessment of literacy difficulties I am expertly placed to offer academic assessments. I have an extensive educational background that few psychologists can offer and therefore, I am well placed to know what to recommend to schools as well as to parents.

I  am now offering cost effective assessments in academic achievement to identify learning difficulties in reading, spelling and writing.

Academic Assessments in Literacy



If, after reading this information, would like to find out more about our assessment services please E-mail: or phone 0402225051






E-mail: Phone: 0402225051