Resources and Information for Teachers
Spelling and Sentence Activities and Worksheets
Additional Needs Including Classroom and Individual Support for Students
Having been in teaching for almost 30 years I know that it would be possible to work for 24 hours a day and still have more to do. Teachers want to teach, they want to work with the children and use their creativity and expertise so that each child reaches their potential and enjoys the experience. Unfortunately nowadays writing plans, assessing, recording and reporting mean that teachers have to spend so much time on paperwork that they have less time to devote to what they do best- teach!
No matter what management role I had, I always continued to teach in the classroom mainly because I love teaching. It was also so that I would never ask other teachers to do what I wasn't prepared to do myself. I know how time-consuming the planning and resourcing of lessons are and therefore want to produce or find resources and ideas to help busy teachers and make them available on this website- Quality Resources 4 Kids.
To make a start I have included mainly language and literacy resources. Over time I will include resources covering other subject areas and resources for subject managers and senior managers.
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Language and Literacy
POETRY - Bio Poems
Bio means life. Generally a Bio poem is about a
person or a person’s life.
It is often a great activity to begin a new school year and
accompanied by the children’ photos makes an effective
display. Alternately it could be used as part of a topic
About Me. I have also adapted the theme to include 2
alternative types of Bio Poem and to show how you could
adapt them yourselves to fit with virtually any topic:
Bio Poem
- A poem that the children write about themselves.
Bio Poem about my friend
- which will involve speaking and
listening skills and discussion.
Bio Poem for a Tree
- this could be used in a topic about
the environment where children describe the life of a
particular tree.
Story Writing Frame for Older Children
Note Taking Frame for Secondary School Students
Recount Sentence Starters and Personal Comments;
higher level
Features of Recount Checklist for students
High Frequency Words
High frequency words are the most common
words in our language; they are essential
words as they are needed to make up even the simplest of
sentences. High frequency word lists
are composed of words that can be
decoded (phonics) and a few that that have been termed as
‘sight words’ because they contain more complex spellings
which are not phonically decodable. For that
reason, it is important that we help students learn the
‘tricky’ or complex parts of the words.
High Frequency Words: Guidance and Resources
Phonics: At the beginning of the school
year it is a good idea to do a class screening to see what
level that your pupils have reached with spelling. Click
below for Phonic Assessments, which will help you group
children for phonic work. The reviews will also help you
identify where to start a phonic programme for individual
children who are experiencing learning difficulties.
Reading and Spelling Assessment - Initial Phonic Review
Spelling Assessment -
Later Phonics Review
Phonic Spelling Lists
- Provides lists of spellings
covering various phonic rules.
Bossy or Magic
e Game - a Go Fish game to reinforce Bossy/Magic e
Beat Your Score Series: The following exercises are great for providing repetition and reinforcement but in a fun way where the student has to beat their score each time they play.
Star Vowels- short vowel sounds
Climb the Blend Boxes 1 - r and l blends
Climb the Blend Boxes 2 - sp, sn, sm,st and w blends
Climb to the top of the End Blends Boxes 3 assortment
of final consonant blends
Climb to the top of the Digraph Boxes 4 - ch, sh, th
Spelling and Sentence Activities and Worksheets
We aim to regularly add to and update the spelling activities. Some of the worksheets are differentiated. If this is the case one will have the title followed by Advanced.
Adjectives to Describe a Character-differentiated
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Repeated Reading Exercises to
Improve Reading Fluency
How to Improve Comprehension when Reading with a Child
Letter Naming chart- print and laminate one chart for the child to use and then print a second chart on paper for you to record. Ask the child to read the letters left to right, top to bottom and record their responses on your copy. You can use the chart to record individual letter sounds too
ADDITIONAL NEEDS Including Classroom and Individual Support for Students
Special Needs Checklists. Including children with special needs can present major challenges to main stream schools. Additional information is being discovered all the time about different types of special needs and the remediation required. Of course this information is welcomed and helpful, however a class teacher has up to 30 individual children’s needs to meet and wants to enable every child to meet their potential and has only 24 hours in a day!
Spotting the symptoms of Specific Learning Difficulties in
Class - provide the signs and symptoms of special needs such
as ADD/ADHD, Autism, Asperger's and Dyslexia. They will help
teachers to informally diagnose needs in class without
waiting up to a year for a formal diagnosis.
How to Identify, Support and Teach Children with
Special Needs in a Mainstream Classroom
- Is a Training Manual for those involved with Special
Needs and is intended as a comprehensive resource for class
teachers. It contains plenty of ideas to enable teachers,
Special Needs coordinators and Classroom assistants to
give each child appropriate support both in class and
individually. It will show you how to identify if a child
has auditory processing or language difficulties (for
example) and then given you lots of ideas about how to
remediate them both in class and individually. More
importantly it provides you with all the information to put
together a programme according to the needs of the child.
Precision Reading Sheets for Phonics Research has
shown that use of precision sheets can dramatically
increase the children’s reading ability. Precision Reading
provides reinforcement and repetition and is essential for
children and adults who are Dyslexic.
Connectives to Improve the Quality of Written Work. Dyslexic
students (and other students) often stick to simple,
concise sentences and, when they do extend sentences they
tend to join them with connectives such as “and” or
“because.” This mars the quality of their written work.
This list of connectives will help students of in Primary
and Secondary schools to link sentences and improve the
quality of their written work.
Ideas for Syllable Division If a student
has difficulties with auditory processing you will find
that they will struggle to process all of the sounds in a
word. They will often omit syllables form words when
reading or spelling. These ideas will help to improve their
ability to decode and encode multi-syllabic words for
reading and spelling
Proof Reading and Editing A cue sheet for
Students. Dyslexics have great difficulties in seeing
the whole piece and identifying any missing pieces or
errors. Their ability to proof-read their own work,
therefore, is impaired. This Cue sheet will help them by
providing step-by-step guidance. Also helpful for students
in further education.
How to Prepare Handouts for Dyslexic Students
Preparation of Written Material/Handouts for schools,
Education Institutes & Employers
Making Classrooms Inclusive and "Dyslexia-Friendly- Top Ten
Christmas Decorations, Displays and Cards
Christmas Tree Idea using Children's Hands
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